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NGO Registration in Delhi

Non-Profit Organizations basically work for the betterment of society. Each law determines the registration process of a different type of organization and choosing the kind of registration process

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Incorporate your NGO with Auriga Accounting


Why Should I Use Auriga Accounting For NGO Registration in Delhi ?

Auriga Accounting has a team of registration experts who can provide complete guidance to register your NGO.

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Our team of experts will get in touch with you and collect all necessary documents and details

Resolve all your queries

We fill out and file your application for registration

Complete your registration

Your NGO is registered

Why Should I Use Auriga Accounting For NGO Registration in Delhi ?

Auriga Accounting has a team of registration experts who can provide complete guidance to register your NGO .

book appointment

Our team of experts will get in touch with you and collect all necessary documents and details

Resolve all your queries

We fill out and file your application for registration

Complete your registration

Your NGO is registered

OVERVIEW-NGO Registration in Delhi

NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. NGOs are organizations that are independent from government control and are usually driven by the mission to address social, environmental, or humanitarian issues. They are typically nonprofit organizations that operate at the local, national, or international level. NGO Registration in Delhi is very easy with Auriga 


  • Non-profit Status: NGOs are generally nonprofit organizations, meaning their primary objective is to serve a social or public purpose rather than generating profits for owners or shareholders.
  • Independence: NGOs operate independently from government control and are often driven by the initiative and dedication of individuals or groups who share a common cause or mission.

  • Social and Humanitarian Focus: NGOs work in various fields, such as healthcare, education, poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, human rights, disaster relief, community development, and more. Their activities aim to address societal challenges, improve living conditions, and advocate for social justice.

  • Voluntary and Service-Oriented: NGOs often rely on volunteers, donations, and grants to carry out their work. They may engage in direct service delivery, advocacy, research, capacity building, awareness campaigns, and other activities to achieve their objectives.

  • Non-Political or Non-Partisan: While some NGOs may engage in advocacy or lobbying efforts, they are typically non-political and do not align themselves with any specific political party or agenda. Their focus is on addressing societal issues and promoting positive change.

  • Civil Society Actors: NGOs are considered part of civil society, which encompasses individuals and organizations outside of the government and private sector. They play a vital role in promoting social welfare, citizen participation, and fostering a sense of community.

ELIGIBILTY of NGO Registration in Delhi

  • Legal Structure: NGOs typically need to be established under a recognized legal structure, such as a trust, society, foundation, association, or nonprofit company. The specific legal structures available for NGOs may vary by country, and each structure may have its own eligibility criteria and requirements.
  • Nonprofit Nature: NGOs are generally expected to operate on a nonprofit basis, meaning their primary objective should be to serve a social, environmental, or humanitarian purpose rather than generating profits for private individuals or entities.
  • Mission and Objectives: NGOs should have a clearly defined mission and specific objectives aligned with addressing social, environmental, or humanitarian issues. The objectives should be in line with the purpose for which the NGO is being established.

  • Governance and Management: NGOs typically require a governing body or board of trustees responsible for overseeing the organization’s operations and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The members of the governing body may need to meet certain criteria, such as being of a certain age, having relevant expertise or experience, and being of good character.

  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations: NGOs must comply with the laws, regulations, and reporting requirements of the country in which they operate. This may include registration with the appropriate government authority, filing annual reports, maintaining financial records, and adhering to specific legal obligations related to nonprofit organizations.

  • Financial Sustainability: NGOs need to demonstrate a sustainable financial model to carry out their activities effectively. This may involve securing funding from various sources, such as grants, donations, fundraising, or partnerships. Financial transparency and accountability are essential.

  • Local Requirements: In addition to general eligibility criteria, there may be specific requirements or restrictions imposed by the local government or regulatory authorities. These could include restrictions on certain types of activities, limitations on foreign funding, or compliance with specific regulations related to NGOs.

ADVANTAGES - NGO Registration in Delhi

  • Flexibility and Innovation: NGOs are typically independent and have the * flexibility to adapt quickly to changing needs and circumstances. They can innovate and implement new approaches, strategies, and programs to tackle emerging social, environmental, or humanitarian issues.

  • Focus on Specific Causes: NGOs often specialize in specific causes or areas of concern. This specialization allows them to develop expertise and in-depth knowledge in their respective fields. They can focus their efforts and resources on addressing specific social, environmental, or humanitarian challenges effectively.

  • Local Knowledge and Community Engagement: NGOs often have strong connections to local communities. They understand the local context, culture, and needs, enabling them to design and implement initiatives that are responsive to the specific challenges faced by communities. NGOs engage with community members, fostering active participation and empowering local stakeholders.

  • Grassroots Impact: NGOs often work directly with individuals, communities, and marginalized groups at the grassroots level. Their programs and initiatives aim to directly improve the lives of people, promote social justice, and address inequalities. NGOs can implement targeted interventions, provide essential services, and advocate for the rights and well-being of vulnerable populations.

  • Advocacy and Policy Influence: NGOs play a crucial role in advocating for social change, influencing policies, and promoting awareness on various issues. They act as a voice for marginalized groups and advocate for their rights and interests. NGOs engage in research, policy analysis, and lobbying efforts to shape public opinion and influence decision-makers.

  • Collaboration and Partnerships: NGOs often collaborate with other organizations, including governments, businesses, and international agencies, to leverage resources, expertise, and networks. Such collaborations foster synergies, enhance the impact of interventions, and promote sustainable development.

  • Service Delivery and Capacity Building: NGOs provide essential services, such as healthcare, education, disaster relief, environmental conservation, and poverty alleviation. They often bridge gaps in public service delivery, especially in underserved areas or during emergencies. NGOs also focus on capacity building, empowering individuals and communities with skills, knowledge, and resources to improve their circumstances.

  • Transparency and Accountability: NGOs are often held to high standards of transparency and accountability. They are expected to adhere to ethical practices, maintain proper financial records, and ensure efficient use of resources. NGOs undergo external audits, scrutiny, and evaluation, which helps build trust with stakeholders, including donors, supporters, and the communities they serve.

Basic Requirements for NGO Registration in Delhi

  • Registration Application Form: This is an application form provided by the relevant government authority or regulatory body responsible for NGO registration. The form typically requires basic information about the NGO, such as its name, address, objectives, activities, and details of the governing body.
  • Proof of Identity: The individuals involved in the establishment of the NGO, such as the founder(s) or members of the governing body, may be required to provide proof of identity, such as copies of their identification documents (e.g., passport, national ID card).

  • Address Proof: Documents proving the registered address of the NGO, such as a lease agreement, utility bill, or ownership deed, may be required.

  • Governing Body Details: Information about the members of the governing body, such as their names, addresses, occupations, and contact details, may need to be provided.

  • Financial Statements: Some jurisdictions may require the submission of financial statements, including income and expenditure statements or balance sheets, to demonstrate the financial stability and viability of the NGO.

  • Bank Account Details: Proof of the NGO’s bank account, such as a bank statement or letter from the bank, may be required to establish the organization’s financial credibility and facilitate transactions.

  • Any Other Specific Requirements: Depending on the country and legal requirements, additional documents may be requested, such as a project proposal, annual work plan, budget plan, or audited financial statements.

PROCESS of NGO Registration in Delhi

  • Define the Mission and Objectives: Clearly define the mission, goals, and objectives of the NGO. Determine the social or humanitarian cause the organization aims to address.
  • Select a Legal Structure: Choose a legal structure for the NGO, such as a trust, society, or nonprofit company, based on the applicable laws and regulations of the country. Each legal structure has its own requirements and implications.

  • Board of Trustees/Governing Body: Form a governing body or board of trustees that will oversee the operations and governance of the NGO. Select individuals who share the vision and have the required skills and expertise.

  • Name the NGO: Choose a unique and meaningful name for the NGO. Check the availability of the chosen name and ensure it complies with the naming conventions and legal requirements of the country.

  • Registration Application: Complete the registration application form provided by the relevant government authority responsible for NGO registration. Provide all the necessary information and attach the required documents, including the MOA, AOA, and supporting documents.

  • Submit the Application: Submit the completed application form along with the supporting documents to the appropriate government department or regulatory body responsible for NGO registration. Pay any required registration fees, if applicable.

  • Verification and Review: The registration authority will review the application and documents submitted. They may conduct interviews or request additional information or clarifications.

  • Registration Approval: If the registration application is approved, the NGO will receive a certificate of registration or incorporation. This certificate confirms the legal existence of the NGO and its eligibility to operate as a nonprofit organization.

Why Auriga Accounting?

Expert Guidance: Auriga Accounting may provide expert guidance and support throughout the NGO registration process. They can help you understand the legal requirements, eligibility criteria, and necessary documents for registering an NGO in India.

Documentation Support: Auriga Accounting may assist in preparing and reviewing the required documents for NGO registration. They can help ensure that the necessary forms, Memorandum of Association (MOA), Articles of Association (AOA), and other relevant documents are properly filled out, accurate, and comply with legal requirements.

Application Submission: The platform may facilitate the submission of your NGO registration application to the appropriate government authority or regulatory body. They can help ensure that all required information and documents are provided and submitted in the correct format and within the specified timelines.

Tracking and Follow-up: Auriga Accounting may help track the progress of your NGO registration application and follow up with the authorities on your behalf. They can provide updates and assist in resolving any queries or issues that may arise during the registration process.

Legal Compliance: Once your NGO is registered, Auriga Accounting may offer ongoing support and guidance on legal compliance requirements. They can help you understand the obligations related to reporting, governance, tax exemptions, and other regulatory aspects that apply to NGOs in India.

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