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How To Get A Copyright In 3 Simple Steps (2023 Guide)

Short intro about copyright : -

Before we get started on how to get a copyright, we have to define what is a copyright. Copyright is the legal protection for the original work that you have produced or “original works of authorship.” The “work” as defined by copyright can be a variety of different things, from designs to written work to photos you’ve taken.

Registering for a copyright is important when you produce anything because it gives you the exclusive right to earn money from your work. If it’s a project you’ve poured a lot of time and energy into, you don’t want to see someone copy it and sell it for a profit.

How Copyright Registration Protects Your Work

It’s important to get a copyright for your work so you can become the exclusive distributor of the work and also protect any future reproductions or derivatives of your work.

There are millions of original works that copyright covers: music, drama, theater, video, graphics, original designs, architectural designs and anything you worked on and created yourself.

For example, if you create art and print it on T-shirts to sell, that art is under your copyright. If your art gets taken by someone, and they print it on items to sell, you have legal recourse to get them to stop. This is why it’s important to get a copyright.

How To Register for a Copyright in 3 Steps

Getting a copyright is a simple process that will provide you with a lot of good business protections. Here are the steps to get it done.

1. Make Sure Your Work Is Eligible for Copyright: Before you file a copyright registration, it’s important to make sure you’re eligible. If you produce something for an employer, it should already be covered under their copyright, so you don’t need to get copyright protection with the United States Copyright Office.

2. File a Copyright Registration Application: The next step is an easy application that anyone can do. When your original work is ready to be copyrighted, you can find the copyright registration application on Registering your copyright is also important if you need to file a lawsuit for copyright infringement. The filing fee for copyright registration ranges from $35 to $55.

3. File a Copy of the Copyrighted Material: With your copyright registration application, you need to include a copy of the material you want to copyright.

Copyright vs. Trademark vs. Patent?

A copyright is a protection of an original work that you have produced on your own. A trademark, however, is a designation for a word that is attached to a company’s goods or services. You can get a trademark from a state or at the federal level.

Finally, a patent is for an invention that provides a significant innovation. You can learn more about the differences between these designations in this article.

How to copyright a song as an independent artist?

How To Handle Copyright Infringement

If you feel your copyright has been infringed by someone profiting off your original work, it’s best to consult a lawyer about your options. Many websites like Google and Twitter have the option to send Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown requests and will do it for you.

If you have an issue where someone has set up a separate website with your copyrighted material, an attorney might be the most helpful.

The Bottom Line

Registering a copyright for original work is a great way to protect yourself and your future profits. It can be done in as little as three steps. To start, make sure your work is eligible for a copyright. Then, file your completed application along with the application fee, and finally file a copy of the copyrighted material. It’s a low-cost process and you’ll be able to protect your work–and business–in the future.

How Auriga Accounting Helps you to get your original work be copyright registered?

However, Auriga Accounting Private Limited can assist by providing various services support and advice in the process:

  1. Financial Management:

    • Budgeting: They can help you plan and allocate funds for the copyright registration process, including any associated fees.
    • Expense Management: They can assist in managing expenses related to copyright registration, ensuring that financial resources are allocated efficiently.
  2. Documentation and Record-Keeping:

    • Organizing Documents: Auriga Accounting can assist in organizing and maintaining financial records, which can be essential for copyright registration and future proof of ownership.
    • Receipts and Expenses: They can help you keep track of receipts and expenses related to the creation and registration of your original work.
  3. Legal Collaboration:

    • Legal Referrals: Although not providing legal services themselves, accountants might have professional networks and could refer you to intellectual property lawyers or firms specializing in copyright law.
    • Assistance in Financial Aspects: Auriga Accounting can work alongside legal professionals, managing the financial aspects related to legal fees and other costs.
  4. Royalty Management:

    • Royalty Tracking: If your original work generates royalties, accountants can help track these payments and ensure you are being compensated correctly for your copyrighted work.
  5. Tax Implications:

    • Tax Planning: Auriga Accounting can advise on the tax implications of your copyright, especially regarding any income you generate from your copyrighted work.