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First: What is copyright registration?


Copyright registration is a legal process that provides the creator or owner of an original creative work with official recognition and evidence of their rights over that work. When a work is registered, it is entered into a government database, providing a public record of the work’s existence, its creator, and its ownership. While copyright protection is granted automatically upon the creation of an original work, registration offers additional legal benefits and protections:

  1. Legal Proof: Copyright registration serves as legal proof of ownership. In case of copyright disputes, having a registered work provides concrete evidence of the creator’s rights.

  2. Public Notice: Registration creates a public record of the work, informing others that the copyright is claimed. This can discourage potential infringers.

  3. Right to Sue: If someone infringes on a registered copyright, the copyright owner has the right to sue for damages and injunctions in a court of law.

  4. Statutory Damages: In some jurisdictions, registered copyright holders can claim statutory damages and attorney’s fees in case of infringement, making legal action more financially viable.

  5. International Protection: Copyright registration can be valuable for international protection, especially in countries where copyright laws may require formal registration for legal enforcement.

  6. Transfer and Licensing: Registered copyrights are easier to transfer, license, or sell. Many contracts and agreements, especially in the commercial and publishing sectors, require works to be registered.

  7. Preservation of Evidence: Copyright registration preserves a public record of the work, including the date of creation. This can be crucial in proving the originality and ownership of the work.

  8. Moral Rights: In some jurisdictions, registration can help in the protection of moral rights, ensuring proper attribution and preventing derogatory treatment of the work.

What Are The Copyright Protection Is Available In India ?

Copyright protection in India is governed by the Copyright Act, 1957, and it provides a range of protections for various types of creative works. Here are the key aspects of copyright protection available in India:

1.Literary, Dramatic, and Artistic Works:

  • Literary Works: This category includes books, articles, computer programs, and other written works.
  • Dramatic Works: This includes scripts for plays, choreographic works, and mime performances.
  • Artistic Works: Paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, and works of architecture fall under this category.


2.Musical Works and Sound Recordings:

  • Musical Works: Original musical compositions with or without words.
  • Sound Recordings: Recordings of sounds from which sounds may be produced regardless of the medium on which such recordings are made or the method by which the sounds are produced.


3.Cinematographic Films:

  • Copyright protection for films, including the audio-visual elements and the underlying script.


4.Broadcast Reproduction Rights:

  • Protection for broadcasting organizations in their broadcasts and for program-carrying signals.


5.Computer Programs and Databases:

  • Copyright protection for computer programs and compilations of data and databases.


6.Rights of Broadcasting Organizations:

  • Protection for broadcasting organizations in relation to their broadcasts.


7.Rights of Performers:

  • Protection for the rights of performers, including actors, musicians, and other artists, in their performances.


8.Duration of Copyright Protection:

  • In general, the duration of copyright protection in India lasts for the lifetime of the author or creator plus 60 years. In the case of anonymous works, pseudonymous works, and works of corporate authorship, the duration is 60 years from the date of publication.


9.Moral Rights:

  • Authors of literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works have moral rights, including the right to attribution (to be recognized as the author of the work) and the right to the integrity of the work (to object to derogatory treatment of the work).


10.Infringement Remedies:

  • Copyright owners in India have legal remedies in case of infringement, including the right to sue for damages and injunctions against infringing parties.


It’s important to note that copyright protection is automatic upon the creation of an original work in India. However, registering the work with the Copyright Office provides additional legal advantages, especially in enforcing copyright in legal disputes.

List Of Rights Offered To Copyright Holders

Copyright holders are granted a bundle of exclusive rights that protect their original creative works from unauthorized use by others. While the specifics can vary based on the country’s copyright laws, here is a general list of rights typically offered to copyright holders:

1. Reproduction Right:

The exclusive right to reproduce the work in various forms, such as making copies, reproducing it in books, or saving it to a digital format.

2. Distribution Right:

The exclusive right to distribute copies of the work to the public. This includes selling, leasing, or lending copies of the work.

3. Public Performance Right:

The exclusive right to perform the work publicly. This applies to live performances, radio or TV broadcasts, and online streaming.

4. Public Display Right:

The exclusive right to display the work publicly. This includes visual arts, digital works, or any other form of public display.

5. Derivative Work Right:

The exclusive right to create derivative works based on the original work. This includes adaptations, translations, or any other transformation of the original work.

6. Digital Transmission Right:

The exclusive right to control digital transmissions and online distribution of the work. This applies to streaming, downloads, and other digital formats.

7. Moral Rights:

In some jurisdictions, creators have moral rights associated with their works. These rights include the right to attribution (the right to be recognized as the creator) and the right to the integrity of the work (the right to object to derogatory treatment of the work).

8. Rental and Lending Rights:

The exclusive right to control the commercial rental and lending of copies of the work.

9. Broadcasting Rights:

Exclusive rights related to radio and TV broadcasting, including rebroadcasting and recording for later broadcasts.

10. Performance Rights:

Rights related to live performances, whether musical, theatrical, or otherwise.

11. Database Rights (in some jurisdictions):

The exclusive right to control the extraction and utilization of data from databases, provided creativity is involved in the selection and arrangement of data.

12. Duration of Protection:

Copyright protection lasts for a specific duration, after which the work falls into the public domain and can be freely used by the public.

These rights collectively provide copyright holders with control over how their works are used and disseminated, allowing them to benefit financially from their creative endeavors and protecting their intellectual property from unauthorized use.

What Is Copyright Registration ?​

Second: Why Copyright registration is important?

While it’s not obligatory to register for copyright protection, it’s highly recommended.Registering provides the owner with essential rights over their work and guarantees protection against unauthorised copying for a specified duration.This sense of security often serves as motivation for the creator to continue producing more work and generating additional content.

Required Documents For Copyright Registration

Copyright registration is important for several reasons, as it provides creators and copyright holders with a range of legal benefits and protections. Here are the key reasons why copyright registration is important:

  1. Legal Proof of Ownership: Copyright registration serves as official and legal proof of ownership of a creative work. It provides concrete evidence that you are the creator or rightful owner of the work.

  2. Public Notice: When a work is registered, it becomes part of a public record. This serves as notice to the public that you claim copyright ownership over the work. It can discourage potential infringers from using your work without permission.

  3. Right to Sue: Copyright registration is a prerequisite for filing a lawsuit against someone who has infringed upon your copyright. Without registration, you may not have the legal standing to take legal action.

  4. Statutory Damages: In some jurisdictions, registered copyright holders have the advantage of being eligible for statutory damages and attorney’s fees in copyright infringement cases. This can significantly increase the potential compensation in legal disputes.

  5. International Protection: Copyright registration in one country can serve as the basis for seeking copyright protection in other countries through international treaties and agreements.

  6. Preservation of Evidence: Copyright registration preserves an official record of your work, including the date of creation. This can be crucial in proving the originality and ownership of the work in case of legal disputes.

  7. Enhanced Credibility: Having a registered copyright can enhance your credibility as a creator or copyright holder, especially when dealing with publishers, distributors, or potential investors.

  8. Licensing and Commercial Opportunities: Registered copyright makes it easier to license your work to others, allowing you to generate revenue through licensing agreements, sales, or distribution.

  9. Protection of Moral Rights: Some countries provide protection for moral rights, such as the right to attribution and the right to the integrity of the work. Copyright registration can help in enforcing these moral rights.

  10. Duration of Protection: Copyright protection lasts for a specific duration, typically the lifetime of the author plus a certain number of years (e.g., 50 or 70 years). Registration helps ensure that your rights are protected for the entire duration.

  11. Enforcement in Court: Copyright registration simplifies the process of enforcing your rights in court, as it provides a clear record of ownership and makes it easier to prove your case.

Third: How To Obtain Copyright Registration In India: Step-By-Step ?

Step 1: Filing a Copyright Application for Registration

You can file a copyright application online or offline, making copyright protection accessible to all.

Procedure for Copyright Registration Online:-

  1. To register as a user, start by visiting the copyright portal and providing your basic information to create a user profile.
  1. Form Submission: Complete Form XIV for copyright registration, attaching the required documents and prescribed fees. Upon submission, you’ll receive a Diary Number. Following this, you’ll need to send physical copies of your work to the copyright office.

Offline Registration Procedure

For offline copyright registration, user registration is not required. Instead, follow these steps:

  1. Document Submission: Submit the relevant documents, Form XIV, and a statement of particulars in a physical format to the registry. Include a demand draft (DD) for the prescribed fee. This can be done by visiting the copyright office or sending the documents via registered or speed post.
  1. Work Submission: Alongside the documents, send a copy of your work to the copyright office.

Step 2: Assessment of the Application

Upon submitting your work in Step 1, all applications undergo a mandatory 30-day waiting period, during which objections can be raised.

If a Third Party Objects

In the event of a third-party objection, a notice of hearing is sent out, where both parties have the opportunity to present their arguments, and a decision is reached based on the submissions.

If No Objection is Raised

The officer assigned to your application scrutinises all documents and the creative work. There are two possible outcomes:

    • If discrepancies are found, a letter of discrepancy is issued. You must respond to this letter, and a hearing may be conducted. If you resolve the issues during the hearing, your application proceeds.
    • If no discrepancies are found, the application advances to the next stage.

Step 3: Registration

Once any objections are resolved, the copyright officer issues a certificate of registration. The duration of the entire copyright registration process depends on the copyright office’s decision. However, if no discrepancies are found, the certificate is typically issued within four to five months.

Note: You can check the status of a copyright registration application at any point by visiting the

How Auriga Accounting Helps In Copyright Registration ?

However, Auriga Accounting Private Limited can assist individuals and businesses in various ways when it comes to copyright registration:

  1. Financial Records Preparation: Auriga Accounting can help gather and organise financial records related to the creation and ownership of the copyrighted work. This information might be needed during the registration process.

  2. Cost Analysis: Auriga Accounting can assist in determining the costs associated with creating the copyrighted work. This information might be relevant for copyright registration and related tax purposes.

  3. Tax Implications: Auriga Accounting can advise on the tax implications of owning copyrights, especially if the copyrighted work generates income. They can help in understanding tax deductions and obligations related to copyright revenue.

  4. Business Structure: For businesses involved in creative work, accountants can advise on the appropriate business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation) concerning copyright ownership.

  5. Royalty Management: If the copyrighted work generates royalties, Auriga Accounting Private Limited have best accountants, that can help manage and track these payments. They can ensure that the creators receive the appropriate compensation and that the income is reported correctly for tax purposes.

  6. Compliance and Reporting: Auriga Accounting can assist in ensuring that the business or individual complies with all financial reporting requirements related to the copyrighted work, including tax filings and royalty reporting.

It’s important to note that while Auriga Accounting private limited can provide valuable financial guidance, the legal aspects of copyright registration should be handled by intellectual property attorneys or experts in copyright law. These legal professionals can guide individuals and businesses through the complexities of copyright registration, rights protection, and infringement issues
