Types of patent and how to obtain ?
ToggleNavigating the Intellectual Property Landscape: Types of Patents and How to Obtain Them
In the realm of innovation and intellectual property protection, patents stand as a cornerstone, safeguarding the fruits of creative labor. Understanding the different types of patents and the procedures involved in obtaining them is crucial for inventors, businesses, and entrepreneurs. This article aims to shed light on the various types of patents and demystify the process of obtaining these essential protections.
Types of Patents
Utility Patents: Utility patents are the most common type, covering new and useful processes, machines, manufactured items, or compositions of matter. These patents grant inventors exclusive rights to their inventions for up to 20 years from the filing date.
Design Patents: Design patents focus on the ornamental design or aesthetics of a functional item. They protect the unique, non-functional visual characteristics of a product, preventing others from making, using, or selling items with a similar design. Design patents have a term of 15 years from the date of grant.
Plant Patents: Plant patents are granted for new and distinct varieties of plants that have been asexually reproduced, such as through grafting or budding. These patents encourage the development of new and improved plant species, providing plant breeders with exclusive rights for up to 20 years from the filing date.
How to Obtain a Patent
Conduct a Patent Search: Before applying for a patent, conducting a thorough patent search is essential. This search helps identify existing patents or published applications similar to the invention in question, ensuring its novelty. Online databases, such as the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website, are valuable resources for this purpose.
Prepare a Patent Application: Creating a detailed patent application is a critical step. The application must provide a clear and comprehensive description of the invention, including its structure, function, and any unique features. Diagrams, drawings, and technical specifications often accompany the application, enhancing its clarity and aiding the patent examiner in understanding the invention.
File the Patent Application: Once the patent application is prepared, it can be filed with the appropriate patent office, such as the USPTO in the United States or the European Patent Office (EPO) in Europe. Filing fees must be paid, and inventors can choose between provisional and non-provisional applications. A provisional application establishes an early filing date but requires a subsequent non-provisional application within a year.
Patent Examination: After filing, the patent application undergoes a thorough examination by a patent examiner. The examiner assesses the application’s novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. During this stage, communication with the examiner might be necessary, requiring clarifications or modifications to the application.
Patent Grant or Rejection: If the patent office determines that the invention meets all patentability criteria, a patent is granted. This means the inventor gains exclusive rights to the invention within the specified jurisdiction. However, if the application does not meet the criteria, it might be rejected. Rejections can often be appealed or modified to address the examiner’s concerns.
Maintenance and Enforcement: After obtaining a patent, inventors must pay maintenance fees to keep the patent in force. Additionally, enforcing patent rights against potential infringers is the responsibility of the patent holder. Legal action can be taken against those who violate the patent holder’s rights, protecting the inventor’s investment in the innovation.
Why You Choose Auriga Accounting Services For Patent Registration ?
Auriga Accounting Private Limited specialized service provides offer assistance in the patent registration process. Auriga Accounting typically provide a range of services to help inventors and businesses navigate the complexities of patenting their inventions. Here are some common ways in which these services can assist in patent registration:
1.Patent Search: Our Auriga Accounting Company can conduct comprehensive patent searches to determine if an invention is novel and not already patented. This step is crucial before filing a patent application.
2.Patent Drafting: Auriga Accounting have Experienced professionals can help in drafting and preparing the patent application, including the technical descriptions, claims, and drawings, ensuring that the application meets the specific requirements of the patent office.
3.Legal Consultation: Auriga work in conjunction with patent attorneys or provide basic legal advice regarding the patent application process, helping inventors understand their rights and responsibilities.
4.Filing the Application: These services assist in the proper filing of the patent application with the relevant patent office. They ensure that all necessary documents are submitted correctly and on time.
5.Communication with Patent Office: Auriga Accounting Private Limited can handle correspondence with the patent office, addressing any inquiries or requirements from the patent examiner during the application examination process.