Nidhi companies in India are regulated by the Companies Act, 2013, and are restricted from issuing preference shares. As per the regulatory framework, Nidhi companies can only issue equity shares and are primarily engaged in accepting deposits and providing loans to their members. The issuance of preference shares is not in line with the objectives and structure of Nidhi companies, which focus on promoting the habit of thrift and mutual benefit among their members. Visitofficialwebsite
Understanding Nidhi Companies
Nidhi Companies are a particular category of non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) in India that primarily function to promote thrift and savings among their members preference shares. Their activities typically include accepting deposits and providing loans to their members. These companies operate on the principles of mutual benefit, where the profits earned are shared among the members.
Types of Shares in a Company:
In the context of companies, including Nidhi Companies, shares represent ownership interests. There are primarily two types of shares:
Equity Shares: These are the most common type of shares issued by companies. Equity shareholders have voting rights and are entitled to a share of the company’s profits in the form of dividends.
Preference Shares: These shares come with specific preferences, typically related to dividends and repayment of capital in the event of winding up. Preference shareholders may not have voting rights or may have restricted voting rights.
Restrictions on Nidhi Company Activities:
The regulatory restrictions on Nidhi Companies include limitations on their activities, such as:
Membership Restrictions: Nidhi Companies are restricted to serving their members preference share and are not allowed to accept deposits or provide loans to non-members.
Lending Restrictions: They primarily offer unsecured loans to members for specific purposes, with restrictions on the loan amount and loan purpose.
Investment Restrictions: Nidhi Companies can only invest in specified avenues, such as government securities, fixed deposits with scheduled commercial banks, and other approved investments.
Operational Restrictions: They are prohibited from engaging in speculative activities and must comply with regulatory reporting and compliance requirements.
What are the limitations of Nidhi Company
A Nidhi firm shouldn’t operate in the fields of insurance, leasing finance, hire purchase, chit funds, or hire purchase. It is improper for a Nidhi Company to issue debentures or preference shares. Any member of a Nidhi Company should not have a current account opened for them
What is the rule 15 of Nidhi Rules 2014
Rule 15 of Nidhi Rules, 2014 specifies that the amount of loans that a Nidhi company can provide depends on the deposits it accepts from the members preference shares. The following table shows the amount of loan that a Nidhi Company can grant based on the deposits it accepts from its members.
What is the rule 5 of Nidhi Company
Rule 5 of Nidhi Rules, 2014 is not applicable to companies incorporated after the commencement of Nidhi (Amendment) Rules, 2022. Such companies are not required to comply with the requirements of Rule 5 regarding Minimum Number of Members, Net Owned Funds, etc. within one year of incorporation.
How to get profit from Nidhi Company
- Within a year following its initial registration.
- Nidhi Company should have at least 200 members within one year of its inception.
- Furthermore, the net held funds should be worth at least 10 lakh rupees.
What is the maximum interest rate for Nidhi Company
How many members can a Nidhi Company have
As per the provisions of the law, a minimum of seven members are required for the incorporation of a Nidhi Company. It is to be noted that out of those seven members, three of them are supposed to be company directors. Moreover, the company is supposed to have a minimum paid-up equity share of 5 lakhs.
What is the difference between Nidhi Company and NBFC
The Nidhi Company is not treated as a for-profit corporation but rather as a mutual benefit organization whereas NBFCs are required to set up a current account. Nidhi Companies are unable to pay any brokerage fees. Nidhi Companies cannot provide any brokerage or inducement for mobilizing the member’s money.
Are Nidhi Companies regulated by RBI
Nidhi Finance India are Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) which are registered under the Companies Act, 2013 and regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). A Nidhi Company is formed with the primary objective of cultivating the habit of thrift and savings amongst its members.
What is the difference between Nidhi Company and Chit Fund
Is Nidhi Company a chit fund? A Nidhi Company is an NBFC that can only lend money or accept deposits, whereas a Chit Fund is also a committee like a Nidhi Company but only accepts payments made in instalments over a set period of time by its members. This is the main distinction between the two
What is the difference between Nidhi Company and bank
In India, all business companies are classified as either Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) or Banking Companies. Nidhi Company falls under the category of NBFCs as it is incorporated. However, it differs from traditional NBFCs because it cannot accept deposits from or lend to the general public.
How can I issue shares in Nidhi Company
According to the provisions of the companies Act, there is a present exemption through which section of right issue and private placement is not applicable to Nidhi Company, therefore the allotment of shares can directly be done by Board of Directors of the Company through passing a resolution.

How can I convert my Nidhi Company to NBFC
- Choosing the type of NBFC.
- Creating a New Company (Private or Public)
- Minimum Investment and Technical parameters.
- Applying for NBFC license.
- Approval of RBI License.
What is the structure of Nidhi Company
The company must end with ‘Nidhi Limited’. The objective of the company should restrict to lending and borrowing of funds among its members only. The company must have unencumbered term deposits of 10% or more of the outstanding deposits. The company must maintain a ratio of 1:20 or less for the net owned funds.
What are the new Nidhi Rules 2023
The following are the rules regarding membership in Nidhi Company. A Nidhi Company shall have at least 200 members at all times. Initially, it can be incorporated with 7 members, but it shall increase the number of members to 200 within 120 days of incorporation.
Advantages of Issuing Preference Shares:
While Nidhi Companies may be restricted from issuing preference shares, it’s essential to explore the potential advantages of doing so in other types of companies:
Diversification of Capital Structure: Issuing preference shares can diversify a company’s capital structure and provide a stable source of funding.
Fixed Dividend Payments: Preference shareholders are entitled to fixed dividend payments, providing predictability and reducing financial risk.
Preferential Treatment in Winding Up: In the event of the company’s winding up, preference shareholders have a preferential claim on assets, enhancing their financial security.
Attracting Investors: Preference shares can be attractive to investors seeking regular income with a degree of safety.
Disadvantages of Issuing Preference Shares:
It’s equally important to consider the disadvantages of issuing preference shares:
Cost of Capital: Preference shares may have a higher cost of capital compared to other forms of financing, such as debt.
Reduced Control: Issuing preference shares may lead to a reduction in ownership control, as preference shareholders may not have voting rights or may have restricted voting rights.
Restrictive Covenants: Preference shareholders may impose restrictive covenants that limit the company’s financial flexibility.
Impact on Equity Shareholders: Issuing preference shares may dilute the ownership interests and potential earnings of equity shareholders.
Conclusion and Implications for Nidhi Companies:
Nidhi Companies, as specified in the regulatory framework, are primarily designed to serve the financial needs of their members by promoting thrift and savings. The issuance of preference shares, with its specific rights and preferences, may not align with these core objectives. Therefore, the regulatory restrictions on Nidhi Companies typically limit their ability to issue preference shares.
While the issuance of preference shares may be a viable option for other types of companies, it’s crucial for Nidhi Companies to adhere to the regulatory framework governing their activities and focus on their primary mission of serving their members effectively and responsibly. Any potential deviation from the core objectives should be carefully considered, and businesses must work closely with regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
how auriga accounting help you to define reference in nidhi company
Auriga Accounting or a similar financial consulting firm can assist Nidhi Companies in various aspects, including addressing the reference to preference shares, in several ways. Here’s how they can provide support in understanding, defining, and dealing with preference shares within the context of Nidhi Companies:
Regulatory Compliance Assessment:
Auriga Accounting can help Nidhi Companies understand the regulatory framework governing Nidhi Companies, including the restrictions and limitations related to the issuance of preference shares. They can provide a detailed analysis of the legal provisions and constraints that apply to Nidhi Companies, ensuring that the company complies with the law.
Preference Share Structuring:
If there is a specific need or desire to issue preference shares, Auriga Accounting can assist in structuring preference shares in a manner that aligns with the company’s core objectives. They can help define the rights, preferences, and limitations associated with preference shares, ensuring they do not deviate from the company’s mission.
Documentation and Compliance:
Auriga Accounting can assist in creating the necessary documentation, such as a memorandum of association or articles of association, that defines the terms and conditions of preference shares. This documentation should align with the regulatory restrictions and the company’s core objectives.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
If preference shares are issued, the firm can help Nidhi Companies assess the potential risks and implications associated with preference shares. They can develop risk mitigation strategies to manage these risks and ensure the financial stability of the company.
Member Communication:
In the event that preference shares are introduced, Auriga Accounting can assist in effectively communicating the changes to the members. It’s crucial to ensure that members understand the implications and benefits of preference shares.
Legal Collaboration:
For complex legal matters, Auriga Accounting may collaborate with legal experts or refer the Nidhi Company to specialists in company law who can provide legal opinions and advice on preference shares and their compliance with Nidhi Company regulations.
Regulatory Approvals and Reporting:
If preference shares are considered, Auriga Accounting can assist in the process of obtaining any necessary regulatory approvals or exemptions. They can also help with the reporting requirements associated with preference shares, ensuring that the company remains in compliance with regulatory obligations.
Audit and Due Diligence Support:
The firm can provide support during audits and due diligence processes related to preference shares, ensuring that the Nidhi Company is well-prepared to demonstrate compliance to auditors and regulatory authorities.
Governance and Control:
Auriga Accounting can offer guidance on governance structures that may be needed to manage preference shares, ensuring that the company’s management and control are in line with regulatory requirements and the best interests of the members.
Continuous Member Engagement:
The firm can help Nidhi Companies actively engage with their members, holding meetings and providing opportunities for members to participate in the decision-making processes regarding preference shares.